Renana Aldor

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Renana Aldor is a multidisciplinary artist, a film director, an animator and a Lecturer.

Aldor creates video, film, and installation works that exist at the intersection of the documentary and the performative. She uses cinematic tools, textile, industrial materials and ready made objects to investigate and reflect on living systems, human and technological mechanisms and artificial structures. Time, space, memory, movement, design and ideology are core elements in her thought process and practice. 

There's a certain awe in Aldor's work, a suspended tension, an unsettling fear that something is about to happen. Yet, this haunting feeling has no relief and no climax. It’s subtle and intriguing like an uncanny experience. Some subjects in Aldor's work are visible, while others remain elusive and unsolved.  

Aldor graduated with honors from the Screen Based Arts Department, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design (2015) and has a Master in Fine Arts from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and design (2020).

Aldor is the recipient of the 2021 Miron Sima Visual Arts Award and The Young Artist Award from the Ministry of Culture and Sports. Aldor had solo shows and participated in various group exhibitions, festivals and residency programs.

© Renana Aldor 2024